I can't believe it has been over a month since my last posting. Let's see, when I reported in last I was on a mission to huncker down and kick MAD Stitches into gear. Since then I have taken a few more trips down the country road to Petaluma where the fabulouse Nicole Vasbinder(Owner of Stitchcraft) and I worked on some pattern revisions and now, things feel more focused. We narrowed down the sizes of the aprons and the pants to S/M, M/L. This sizing makes more sense because the aprons vary and can be worn in many ways and the pants look cute long and as capris. We also spent some time messing around with my new ruffle foot(my anniversary present from Julian). It is SOOOO neat. I am now spending cold, rainy fall evenings in my studio making yardage of ruffle for the little pants.
The yardage of ruffle is so neat because I have a few standard colors that I use with different fabrics such as chocolate browns, hot pink, sugar pinks and pale blue. It is also great because I really feel a sense of accomplishment when I roll and pin up a few yards of ruffle. I am finding that trims such as homemade bias tape and the yardage of ruffle are powerful accessories to have around because they can go on so many things.
I have also been working with D from (http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=6571306) Etsy to help me with more branding and etsy stuff. She is a GODDESS because she works so well with people, she is so creative and talented... and she has been such a wonderful source of support for helping me develop a style for my blog, photos and etsy shop. I do ok behind a sewing machine--but computer---FORGET IT!
Last, I have been re-vamping little Miss Annie Maude. She is based on the likeness of my daughter Annie who looks angelic and sweet as pie, but is really a little spit fire. She wears these big bows and she always reminds me of a little 1930's girl. Anyway, she is two now and getting more headstrong and independent and I wanted to interject more of her little personality into Annie Maude(the logo) I needed to add the rumpled socks, scuffed mary janes and her gigantic bows...yes the ones that have grown with her since she was two days old.
Well, here are a few picture updates of the new logo and Annie in some bigger mary janes(mommies shoes) and her first bow..the day she was born. Now, I am off again to work on aprons for holiday craft shows. As usual, I am always so grateful when I can sit at my sewing machine--it is a place that brings me so much joy.