Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Introducing....The Vivian Elizabeth Apron

So the aprons are a joy to sew and I have a new addition to announce. We now have the Annie Maude apron for toddlers. The Daniela Marie; which has a sweet variation of a pocket for 2T-5T's. And now I want to introduce the Vivian Elizabeth apron for 5T and up. One thing I have learned on this journey of trying to create MAD Stitches is that the best inspirations or ideas come from gifts I make for people. Over Easter, my sister in law Elizabeth and one of my most positive supporters asked if I could make a special apron for Vivian, my gorgeous and super talented niece. I came very close to making her the Daniela Marie in her size(she is 7 years old). However, after much thought, I felt that she was past a pinafore apron and she deserved something a bit more grown up to wear when she does all of that baking with her mom in the kitchen. Well, my family recently went on a vacation and I took my sewing machine(...yes I really took it on the plane and all!) While on our trip, I drew up some new designs that I thought might suite The Viv. Anyway--this is the new apron that grew out of making a gift for my niece...Introducing....The Vivian Elizabeth! Thank you to my incredibly sweet and artistically talented niece for inspiring me to want to create this for you! I love you!!! And to my sister in law Liz who continues to be one of my biggest cheerleaders as I try to build MAD Stitches! Love, Auntie Ness

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