In a mad attempt to escape the heat yesturday, we all hopped into the car and drove out to the coast. We went to Phippes Ranch in Pescadero where we went berry picking. Beech and I have been strawberry picking there before and we made boat loads of strawberry jam. This time Miss Annie Pants came with us in her new dress I made for her from one of my pattern book from Japan(It is a great dress...especially for a hot day!). Beech was very into his task of blackberry picking and he managed(in the sticking hot heat) to pick a whole bucket of ripe blackberries. Now as for his sister...well she was a different story all together. She was mostly delighted to carry the bucket. Beech showed her how to pick blackberries---however it went something like this for her...."one...for the bucket and the rest for my tummy"! Both she and Beech attacked their tasks quite differently! In the end....the people behind the counter probably should have weighed Beech's bucket and then they should have plopped Annie Pants on the scale and weighed her. The berries are $3.00 p/lb and I am sure Annie made off with $6.00 worth in her tummy. All in all it was a charming day because Beech was VERY seriouse about his berry picking, but also very caring and thoughtful with Annie showing her how to be a good farmer. We really enjoyed our day out at the coast...and we managed to stay cool!
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