Dedicated to tara frey
This post is dedicated to tara frey and her love for blogging >A year ago I decided to start a blog and I blogged about once every few months and…I was not sure what I was supposed to blog about or even what a blog really was for that matter. I was also busy being a mom, wife and trying to start MAD Stitches, so blogging was not a priority. Now a year later I have a calling to blog. I think it is because I know that it opens a door into a world of other creative, soulful women who also want to write about their creative adventures and connect with like minded people. As I am dedicating more time to blogging and surfing other blogs, I feel more focused and creative—it is an odd cycle.
So, I decided that I needed some real direction about blogging. I purchased tara freys book, Blogging for Bliss and it has been a treasure trove of advice, direction and truly inspiring. The book is great for anyone new to blogging or who wants to learn more formal information about how to blog and why we blog. I have almost finished it and I have already begun to revamp my blog—using all of her freebie sites she has in the book(THANK YOU tara)
I also have taken more time to decide what I want out of my blog (as per tara’s advice to new bloggers) and I realized that I thought I could only use my blog for business purposes. Now, I want my blog to be something else entirely. I want it to be an escape—a place to write and muse about being creative, a place that has …a bit to do with my little business, but more to do with keeping my creative energy ALIVE. I feel like tara gave me a gift—that I almost missed out on--she gave me a place…just for me. So this post is dedicated to tara frey for her love of blogging and her dedication to putting together a beautiful and truly well written book about blogging.—thank you
These are some pictures of things I recently hunted(thrifted) for at local places in the SF bay area. This is the loot before I unloaded my car.

Annie(my little hunting partner) and I found some really cool things--a wood sign, some adorable bird houses and some wood bins which I will use to put fabric in.
And, I would love to know about other bay area, eclectic treasure hunting grounds...until then, I will be working on the treasures and stitching something new!
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