I am heading into new territory with trying to balance two busy kids and my little apron business. What I am learning is that there are days where I feel I am doing really well at one OR the other. But, I seem to be having trouble successfully working on both areas of my life in unison. For the most part, this is ok because I can make up sewing time on the weekends. However, I feel the kids are getting busier with their school schedules and upcoming spring craft shows will soon be here and I am going to have to be more diligent about learning to balance my time better; which is not an easy task for me. Anyway, one strategy that seems to be helping is trying to blend family and my MAD world together more.

Lately, when I have been working in my studio, Beech has wandered in to do some sewing too. So, together we hang out and work. He is getting pretty comfortable running my little Huskystar. It has three speeds which really allow him to gain control over his sewing. There I am working on my little aprons and he works on whatever project he seems to come up with and I manage to balance family and Mad Stitches time. And so it goes...Here he is sewing up an ipod case.
Hopefully, I can keep finding creative ways to blend the two most soul filling parts of my life together...
I want B to make me an ipod case! Tell him Tia Bo-bo is putting an order in!