Today was a great day all around. My little Beech started Kindergarten. It was very exciting for all of us. We are so proud of him! Then I actually began chipping away at my MAD list. At first...I wanted to procrastinate--did some errands, ate some lunch, but then I put the pedal to the metal(seriously...on my sewing machine) and I finished up the last set of aprons I have been working on. Then, picked up Beech, did some chores--grocery store, made dinner and hung out with the kiddos. Now I have just finished taking some pix of the aprons. Strangly enough, this day not only got me back on track, but helped me remember why I am doing this. As the aprons hung in my studio--all I could think was these represent my way of helping out an organization by using them as a vehicle to raise money and it felt really good. I really felt today like I was building a foundation to sell my aprons and donate some money. So, I am going to stay on this path and continue to be BRUTALLY honest about my journey to really get MAD going and to stop procrastinating.
So here is tomorrows list:
load up photos on etsy shop
read one chapter of business book
make two cupcake cherry aprons
--I will report my progress in tomorrow
here are a few pix of some new aprons