Monday, August 31, 2009

Chipping Away at My To Do List

Today was a great day all around. My little Beech started Kindergarten. It was very exciting for all of us. We are so proud of him! Then I actually began chipping away at my MAD list. At first...I wanted to procrastinate--did some errands, ate some lunch, but then I put the pedal to the metal(seriously...on my sewing machine) and I finished up the last set of aprons I have been working on. Then, picked up Beech, did some chores--grocery store, made dinner and hung out with the kiddos. Now I have just finished taking some pix of the aprons. Strangly enough, this day not only got me back on track, but helped me remember why I am doing this. As the aprons hung in my studio--all I could think was these represent my way of helping out an organization by using them as a vehicle to raise money and it felt really good. I really felt today like I was building a foundation to sell my aprons and donate some money. So, I am going to stay on this path and continue to be BRUTALLY honest about my journey to really get MAD going and to stop procrastinating.

So here is tomorrows list:
load up photos on etsy shop
read one chapter of business book
make two cupcake cherry aprons

--I will report my progress in tomorrow

here are a few pix of some new aprons

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Admitting About My First Day of Flaking on My To Do List....

So, last night I vowed to own up to the fears swirling in my head and start to face them head on regarding building a small buisness. I also swore I would be up at 5am--in my studio...with coffee(I was up at 7am, still in bed, but with coffee...) I made a punch list of things to do...1)"Aprons"(still waiting to be finished),2)"read buisness book"(alas...still untouched) 3)"pay bills or mail to open" (ugh..still sitting on my desk). So, this is EXACTLY why I decided to write about what I really need to be writing about-- the fact that I desperatly want to have my own buisness, but I can't seem to committ to it. WHY IS THAT? I did attempt to get some work done in my studio--but all I did was move a bit of furniture around and then shut the doors again---yeeshhh

So, maybe this is why I need to blog--so I can't hide the fact that I am a RIGHTEOUS PROCRASTINATING stay at home mom who also...apparently...has a small buisness too...I have always dealt with deadlines at the last minute--there is something about the pressure and how it seems to ignite a serious work ethic in me. However, I think it is this very quality that is standing in my way from totally committing to my buisness. I think about my little venture all of the time and I feel so much joy when I sew--so why isn't this more of a motivator?

Ok, well fears: STILL need to pay back the kids, could fail etc

Goals: GET UP AT 5AM and work for two hours, open some mail, read more about my tax id, finish three aprons and photograph them, work for my four hour block tomorrow, work on etsy shop.

There it is in a nutshell and I plan to honestly report back as to whether I get any of the above done and if not...AGAIN...write about why...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Blogging About What I Actually Need to Blog About...

This blog is supposed to be about sewing and making a difference. So far, I have done "a bit" of both. --but not as much as I would have hoped. Being that I am a stay at home mom of two kids(one of which has on going medical issues) I find myself constantly vacillating between two worlds and being INCREADIBLY afraid to make the full time committment to either world. I love being a mom...but it is not enough. I love learning to be the propriatress of a small craft buisness, but that would not be enough either. And last, there is my passion to want to make a difference...somewhere in this great universe.

On occasion--when the stars are aligned, I can merge my two worlds and flit between caring for the kids and sewing in my studio...and everyone is STILL happy. BUT...these types of days are few and far between. Then, there are days I never make it into my studio and then I am consequently "a grump" as my five year old puts it. So I have decided to put it out there--all the things I need to accomplish and my fears that keep getting in the way--so there is no more futzing around.

First: My Fears
What if my buisness flops?
What if I make stuff and people don't buy it.
What if I can't pay back the loan I took from the kids college fund to start my buisness?
...What if I fail?

What I Need to Accomplish:
1) Finish reading Barbara Braebecs craft book
2) Get up at 5am everyday and work from 5am-7am in studio
3) pay back $5000 in materials and legal fees to my kids college fund
4) Work from 8pm-10pm nightly in studio(this means all house work and chores actually have to get done in the day....urg)

I am sure there is more but this list above about actually finishing a buisness book(I have a stack...all unfinished of course), developing a strict and dedicated work ethic and most importantly establishing some type of sane goal to pay the kids back is what churns in my mind and if I put it out there--then there is no hiding it. So I am going to use this blog for it's orriginal intention to talk and face how I am going to REALLY use sewing to make a difference.

Tomorrows goal:
be in studio...with coffee at 5am
finish three aprons
photograph them for etsy shop
open mail(bills....yurg!)

oh and here is a picture of the cupcake apron Nicole, owner of Stitchcraft and I created a few weeks ago--which I am really excited about because it is my first apron that is totally one size fits all.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


In the summer we do a lot of swimming at my moms, in Bear Valley and at our local YMCA. I wanted to get the kids pool cover ups, but I could not really find any I liked--especially ones for boys. Beech and Annie are little polywogs--they love to swim...but they also get super cold in a flash and they want out! So, I found a great simplicity patterns for a long sweatshirt/robe and hunted for ....just the right fabric. My two littles adore the flurry micro fiber fleece---it is similar to the fabric that blankets are made out of and ...even off the bolt it is not cheap. Anyway, I snuck a few yards in a while back and while they were sleeping I made them and then left them in their rooms for them to find when they woke up. And...they went nutso! It is this house handmade stuff out of novelty or fleece fabric is as much of a hit as a new toy--it cracks me up! I used my surger to put them together and boy oh boy is that a MESSSSSSSSY adventure, but also worth it. Beechs cover up came out beautifully...Annies...could have been better. Either I was rushing or did not match my seams as well--so the construction was a bit shottier. Here are some pics I took of them in them after we came back from family swim at the YMCA.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Dear friends are the best. I have been fortunate these past few years to be part of an amazing moms group--the Hairspray Moms. Some force beyond me five years ago knew I would need to know, lean on and learn from these women. After Beech was released from the hospital where he spent almost 6 months, we were sent to do as many mommy and me classes as possible. On our first class we went to Gymboree and there were the Hairspray Moms doing a mommy and me gym class. Since I had missed out on the first few months of mommy and me classes and mom's groups--I don't think it was an accident that I met these gals. I think it was my carma--it knew that I deserved to meet these wonderful, amazing and truly fabulouse women. I had been through so much with Beech and had not had the time or supportive environment to learn about being a new mom. Well--I was able to watch and learn from the best after I met these gals.

Anyway, it has now been five years and we are all a bit older, wiser and still great friends. And that brings me to this darling little felt clip that Annie Pants is wearing. It was made by one of my dear, dear friends and fellow HSM, Felicia. She makes these adorable little pretties for Mrs. Cayce--her little ADORABLE girl(...and she really is...dimples and all!!!) Anyway, Annie LOVES it and it was so sweet when Cayce gave it to her. She got to help her mommy make it and carry around her moms sewing bag. Felicia is one of my Ya, Ya's and I know that we will always know each other...why do I know this...well because I have learned so much from her over the years. I really admire her and how much effort and care she puts into parenting her kids. --and I have learned so much about parenting from how effortless and easy she makes it look...and well I value how fortunate I am to know her. So Feleesh...Annie and I just adore her new hair pretty!! THANK YOU