So, last night I vowed to own up to the fears swirling in my head and start to face them head on regarding building a small buisness. I also swore I would be up at 5am--in my studio...with coffee(I was up at 7am, still in bed, but with coffee...) I made a punch list of things to do...1)"Aprons"(still waiting to be finished),2)"read buisness book"(alas...still untouched) 3)"pay bills or mail to open" (ugh..still sitting on my desk). So, this is EXACTLY why I decided to write about what I really need to be writing about-- the fact that I desperatly want to have my own buisness, but I can't seem to committ to it. WHY IS THAT? I did attempt to get some work done in my studio--but all I did was move a bit of furniture around and then shut the doors again---yeeshhh
So, maybe this is why I need to blog--so I can't hide the fact that I am a RIGHTEOUS PROCRASTINATING stay at home mom who also...apparently...has a small buisness too...I have always dealt with deadlines at the last minute--there is something about the pressure and how it seems to ignite a serious work ethic in me. However, I think it is this very quality that is standing in my way from totally committing to my buisness. I think about my little venture all of the time and I feel so much joy when I sew--so why isn't this more of a motivator?
Ok, well fears: STILL need to pay back the kids, could fail etc
Goals: GET UP AT 5AM and work for two hours, open some mail, read more about my tax id, finish three aprons and photograph them, work for my four hour block tomorrow, work on etsy shop.
There it is in a nutshell and I plan to honestly report back as to whether I get any of the above done and if not...AGAIN...write about why...
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