This blog is supposed to be about sewing and making a difference. So far, I have done "a bit" of both. --but not as much as I would have hoped. Being that I am a stay at home mom of two kids(one of which has on going medical issues) I find myself constantly vacillating between two worlds and being INCREADIBLY afraid to make the full time committment to either world. I love being a mom...but it is not enough. I love learning to be the propriatress of a small craft buisness, but that would not be enough either. And last, there is my passion to want to make a difference...somewhere in this great universe.
On occasion--when the stars are aligned, I can merge my two worlds and flit between caring for the kids and sewing in my studio...and everyone is STILL happy. BUT...these types of days are few and far between. Then, there are days I never make it into my studio and then I am consequently "a grump" as my five year old puts it. So I have decided to put it out there--all the things I need to accomplish and my fears that keep getting in the way--so there is no more futzing around.
First: My Fears
What if my buisness flops?
What if I make stuff and people don't buy it.
What if I can't pay back the loan I took from the kids college fund to start my buisness?
...What if I fail?
What I Need to Accomplish:
1) Finish reading Barbara Braebecs craft book
2) Get up at 5am everyday and work from 5am-7am in studio
3) pay back $5000 in materials and legal fees to my kids college fund
4) Work from 8pm-10pm nightly in studio(this means all house work and chores actually have to get done in the day....urg)
I am sure there is more but this list above about actually finishing a buisness book(I have a stack...all unfinished of course), developing a strict and dedicated work ethic and most importantly establishing some type of sane goal to pay the kids back is what churns in my mind and if I put it out there--then there is no hiding it. So I am going to use this blog for it's orriginal intention to talk and face how I am going to REALLY use sewing to make a difference.
Tomorrows goal:
be in studio...with coffee at 5am
finish three aprons
photograph them for etsy shop
open mail(bills....yurg!)
oh and here is a picture of the cupcake apron Nicole, owner of Stitchcraft and I created a few weeks ago--which I am really excited about because it is my first apron that is totally one size fits all.
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