Saturday, August 28, 2010

Feelin Good and Good Friends

We are wrapping up summer. I am feeling much better. I am also noticing how much work Dr. S did on my face because I am feeling much better in general and my face is not sagging as much on the left, I am guessing that was because of the cyst. I had noticed it sagging more about a year ago, but I had no idea why. Anyway, I am also seeing the grafts that  he did on my lip. I still can't feel my upper lip, part of my cheek and my left eye (which makes doing my make up so funny) but I can see my lips are fuller and more even(something that usually bothers me a lot) I don't know if it is the grafts of bone or tissue or injections that is doing it, but either way---I am happy!
This is a self portrait taken from the left. Since my cleft is on the left, this is the side I do not like to take pictures from--ever. However, this is the best and most even my lips have ever looked :)

My dearest pal from accross the pond has been visiting too. Her last visit was when I got married, she crossed the pond to be one of my bridesmaids.

She is as stunning inside as she is out!

I got to meet her two little boys--Felix and Gabriel, they are adorable, polite and funny as all get out!

We had a whirl wind time--not enough time together, but I am hoping that I can take my little family back to England next summer to see them. Since I grew up between here and Sheffield--all of my family is there including my Shells and I need to cross the pond next time! --I will miss her...very much

Monday, August 23, 2010

Babyshowers, Kisses and Princesses

It has been a wonderful weekend around here. Friday the kids and I spent the day getting the house ready for Bobo's shower--we cleaned, organized and put in lots of plants--with her shower colors--pink, purple, sage and yellow. Then J came home and worked on my honey do list I had for him. He hung stadium drapes, put up garden bells and set up tables--Godbless him. I also got my first kiss from him in alost 4 weeks. Since we kiss many times a day normally--no kissing was a challenge. But since dr. S also revised my cleft lip scar and grafted tissue under it, so I had lots of stitches. Anyway, J leaned down and gently gave me my first kiss in weeks--I have really missed them!!!

So I orriginally found the theme "cute as a button" online from this blog Brooks invitations are darling and I copied them.
Saturday, J took the kids off on an adventure to the YMCA and then Golf Land and I finished setting up the shower--linens and chairs went out, ballloons up, flowers around and food set up--it all looked beautiful and BOBO worthy! By 1pm, we were in full shower swing--drinking punch, chatting in the sun and eating yummy food. We then retreated to the fire pit for gift opening. Bobo's friends showered her with hand knit blankets and hats, tiny pink outfits and lots of little accessories for her new nursery. As one of her greatest admirers--it was a joy to see my dearest friend so happy!

Bobo with some of her close pals
my moms famous diaper cake with buttons of course

what's left after button soaps are cut out and packaged for the favors

we used bricks of shea butter soap--melted and combined with soap coloring and lavender essence. Then we used a 2 small sugar cookie cutters to cut them out and a lollipop stick to poke the holes. Beech and I made them in batches over a few weeks--he loved it!

pink cupcakes(I ASKED for light or sugar pink....sadly I got DISNEY PINK...yuck...with handmade felt cupcake toppers thanks to where I got most of my ideas

                                                  Van and Kimberly (Bobo's other BFF and fello brides maid)

Sitting at the fire pit watching Bobo and baby maes be showered with gifts

We had a lazy sunday morning and then we went off to fairyland in Oakland--it is old, but still very cute. We liked that you could bring your own lunch in and the entry fee was pretty nominal. Also there was not much to buy--so very little distraction for the kids. Annie and Danni--Annie and her bff dawned their gowns and Beech went along as the resident prince. They ran themselves silly and had a great time.

Once upon a time there were 2 little princessesses...........     

       Beech and mommy hiding in the card maze

and the prince was having a blast too...can you tell?

Annie and her prince

All in all it was a beautiful weekend full of joy for my dear Bobo, love for my sweet J(and lots of kisses) and fairy princesses

Sunday, August 22, 2010


                                                         Easy Peasy Baby Blanket

This is my favorite sewing project. I stumbled on it accidentally a few years ago when I had some left over minkey fabric. It takes about 1.5 hours for a beginner, but the more you make them, the less time it eventually makes. I often make them at 11pm, the night before a babyshower. But, people seem to like them and they are so easy to make. --ESPECIALLY if you are a beginning sewer.


1 yard of printed flannel

1 yard of minkey

unfortunatly you will have minkey left over because it is 55inches wide but you can use it for a mini blankie or donate it to the SPCA--they love soft fabric for the cages

  • WITH right sides together pin flannel and minkey

•Trim off sides so that it matches up into a nice square blanket.(I find friends have used it for the strollers, so I try not to make them too big)

•Pin all around the edges, smoothing out the excess and wrinkles as you go.

•Then, take a box of saftey pins(I use brass) and pin here and there all inside the middle so that you know your blanket will not move(this is a quilting technique that works really well)

•Then, run it through your machine, I use 5/8, but you can sew at a smaller seam allowance, remove pins as you go.

•Leave a 2 inch space for flipping it right side out(as you are doing all of your sewing one the WS(wrong sides)

•Carefully trim corners, trimming out the excess fabric.

•Remove all of the brass safety pins and flip it.

•I like to gently press it on the edges.

•Pin your opening shut and then top stitch the edge all around the blanket at 3/8 also closing your opening.

•And you are done. Grab some ribbon and wrap it. I like to add a hand stamped, "handmade with love tag". Since handmade gifts are not as common, it is a nice little touch.

                        Cute As A Button Shower

I recently held a baby shower for my best friend Tie BoBo. I wanted to do something really special for her, since she is so wonderful. After much searching, I stumbled accross two themes that I liked--a pea in the pod or cute as a button. I settled on cute as a button. Once I had the theme, it actually made all of the planning much easier because I had something to build around. I googled cute as a button and found two pretty blogs who had used this theme to host a shower. and They both had great ideas with lovely pictures.

                                                        Cute As A Button Baby Shower

One : Theme "Cute As A Button"

The first thing that I did was the invitations. I just purchased Butter Cream Stationary from Joannes Fabrics and a package of buttons. The package was multi colored light green, yellow, purple, pink and blue stationary and buttons. So these also became my theme colors. I printed the invitations in chocolate brown ink and sewed a button to each one and sewed little fabric cases for them to go into.

Two: Invitations

Three: Cake or...Cupcakes....

I found these cute felt cupcake toppers again at So I purchased felt in the butter cream invitation colors from Joannes fabrics. I had 25 guests to make them for so I cut out 50 pieces. I sewed 25 sets together with a button in the middle and then used a hot clue gin to glue a lollipop stick into the middle. I made a collassal mistake of ordering them from Safeway instead of a local bakery and I requested light pink, but ended up with princess or disney pink--urg...but Bobo was a great sport about it.

Four: Shower Favors
Next, I decided on the party favors--I wanted to do button chocolates, but I did not have enough time to order the molds So I decided to make button soap instead. I purchased shea butter bricks, soap coloring and fragrance from Joannes and I used two small round fondont circle cutters to make the button shapes. First, I cooked the shea butter soap, added different colors and fragrances and poured it into pie tins. I let them cool about 1 hour, then gently cut out the large circles and used the smaller circle cutter to make the inside button rim print and a lolli pop stick to poke four holes. Then I let these cool another hour or two in the fridge. Then I carefully pried them out and wrapped them in cellophane and ribbon.

Five: Diaper Cakes...really are back
I asked my mom to make one of her diaper cakes. They are so sweet and she has always made them as shower gifts for friends. It takes her about 3 days because she layers each diaper one onto the other with pins and then she decorates the cake. In this case she used lots of silk flowers, ribbon and pins with buttons on them. You can make a much easier cake by rolling the diapers individually and then tying them together.

All in all, I am usually not a "theme" person, but in this case I really wanted everything to be as perfect as possible for my dear friend and I felt that if I had a theme to build around, it would give me more direction and organization as I planned her shower.

Five: The "Showeree"
Sara AKA Tia Bobo (as my kids call her) is in the pink sash and will be an amazing mommy! --love you BoBo!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Passing Time

My little mermaid...

I returned to my mommy duties this week. It is going well, still a little slow, but all in all I can't complain. We have still been doing things to keep a slower pace--so that means finding entertaining things to do at home these past few weeks.
Homemade chocolate toffee for Dr. S and the nurses

Annie's favorite Story, "You Can Do It Sam". So we made muffins, packed them in little red bags and took them to a few neighbors...then she ate some muffins of course

A kiss for my sweet who is my hero--he gets up with the kids, takes them to camp, works all day and then comes home and takes care of everyone. I try to tell him how grateful I am and how much I adore him--I do not know how he does it?
Making cupcakes with Dad for Nan Nans birthday party while mommy rests

Nan Nan and her grand kids for her birthday
Auntie Pam, Nan Nan and Jessito
Liz and the frog jump judge(aka gary)

Some quiet hand stitching time...
Making Plushies...Beech's first one!
Annie and I went on a flower hunting walk and then made some flower fairies

More plushy making...
the newest addition to our family that Beech made...Gloppy Gloopy
I feel so lucky because the kids have been pretty understanding that I am a little bit slower these days. Especially my little Beech who has been helping me with Annie so much. They are so close and he adores her and he is such a great help.
And that brings me to today. I developed an infection somewhere in the bone graft area and had to go in for an IV of antibiotics. So my mom and my sweet came to sit with me. And...that's how we have been passing the time.  Beautiful moments like the ones above with my chicklets, wonderful and amazing friends stopping by with meals and flowers and good and bad moments with my mom and my sweet always at my side.--I am blessed