Monday, May 10, 2010

martinis, wine, good friends and a MAD clean up

crazy weekend....I am someone who lays low usually. our weekends are pretty quiet, lots of kids activities, MAD Stitches catch up and family time. but this weekend was different. It was laced with lots of time with new and old friends. friday night a good mom friend in Beech's class had a follow up gathering to Jenns shower and to honor baby Jacob(who is so adorable), it was a martini party. i have some mild social anxiety, so i have to really mentally gear myself up to go out sometimes. it was so fun and she did a lovely job. we sat around eating lovely food and drinking fab martinins(I don't I had water) our hostess Patti is such a darling lady and it was a wonderful ladies night out!
Jazz and Shaneel
Chris and Jen (our lady of honor)
good eats and fab martinis
Sadly, I had to leave a bit early to head down town to meet up for our annual S&B..stitch and bitch..but lately it seems to be more B than S at B Street and Vine. it was so nice to hang out and catch up with sara and Alicia--they are so talented and we go through the whole gamet of conversation from kids, to husbands to what we are all sewing. it was so great to see them
me, Alicia, Sara
I was a great evening. i am so lucky to have such beautiful, creative friends
Saturday was nice and quiet. I cleaned up my studio and caught up on lots of computer work for MAD--updating flikr, learning Picasa. it was so strange to take time to look back over the last year in pix--to see how my studio has changed--it seems to morph as I tumble along with MAD
this is the MAD studio before it was MAD--it was Stitches and Seams( 2008) I was making stroller covers for a local store and was planning to teach private lessons, I never ended up doing either because I did not feel comfortable with the stroller cover pattern--and my second baby was still too young to carve out a solid teaching schedule.
MAD Stitches 2009. I had started making aprons for Annie at school and selling them here and there. Shortly after, I started selling them out of Too Cute and at craft shows. I made hot pink my theme color(to this day I am very sorry I made this choice) I like soft, muted colors and the hot pink has stuck--but it is not me. but it has helped to keep my marketing for MAD consistent because I do all of the print and packaging in hot pink. so this brings me to saturday where I cleaned up the studio, did some organizing. The studio 2010
this is outside the studio. the kids have a play area that I can watch them play in as I sew. there are some pink cottage roses growing outside and they are so pretty.
the inside is not lookin too shabby either. I got a hold of a label maker and some new shelves for my birthday and finally put them too good use. Since I am all over the map and staying organized is so, SO tough for me--I am hoping this new system will help. everything labled and put into plastic bins--packaged, out going, in progress, pre let's hope
the custom sign i had made--notice the hot pink and the black was not my idea--it was the sign makers...and here are some snippets of corners of the studio

pattern books and sommer set studio mags

my new shelves and bins--love my new label maker!

my work stations sewing table, cutting area
book shelves and project shelves with MAD projects and my own personal projects--hemming, 12 dresses..

the small shelves on the left have stamps, glues, vintage buttons ribbons and my to do wall

this is a pic from outside the studio looking in. I love this little room not because it is my MAD studio, but because it is mine and I can just be me in there

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