Thursday, February 4, 2010

Rockin' Out All the Way to Stitchcraft

    Early yesturday morning with a hot cup of coffee in hand I hopped in my car and jetted off to Petaluma to spend a few hours at Stitchcraft with Nicole Vasbinder---owner and seamstress extraordinare! There I was driving across the Golden Gate bridge in the morning mist....blasting a little 107.7 the bone. I sat there singing along to one of my all time favorite songs by Guns and Roses musing about my adventures up to Petaluma. --Over the last year, I have managed to develope a little routine when I get there.

    First I stop at Arams Cafe to see Jenni and Kelli. They crack me up because it seems like they know everyone in town and they never have a bad day. I always order cocoa, Nicole's iced coffee and a cookie and no matter how much time has gone by they always remember what I am going to order.--They rock!
Next, I head off to see that crafty lady, Nicole at Stitchcraft (right next door). With yummy snack provisions and lots of projects in my bag, I head through the old historic building's double doors. I never really know what we will work on--possibly a new pattern design or more sewing techniques, we never know until we have had sometime to catch up. So, I made my way into her darling studio ready to put the pedal to the metal!
After we caught up for a while ( I shared stories about my holidays and she updated me on her recent, fabulouse cruise to Mexico). Then... she asked that famouse question she always asks..."what are we doing today?" and I...began to spill my worries and concerns about having finished my first official year in buisness fretting about what comes next. So, together we sat in her sunny little studio surrounded by beautifully printed fabrics and wonderful patterns she had sewn up as samples for her classes and just talked. We went over how to improve my book keeping skills (moving them to excel), spring craft shows coming up and my concerns about just covering my general costs. After a few hours of small buisness talk, I felt so much better. Alas, it was also time for me to head back to the bay area to be mom again--taking with me all the pearls of wisdome I had learned-- while still listening to more of my beloved classic rock.

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