Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Bloggable Moments Give Away

A few days ago I picked up the latest copy of Somerset Life I love all of the Somerset magazines because they are so pretty. Anyway, I read a lovely article by Susan Tuttle, A Room of Ones Own. She has a gorgeous blog at . I appreciated the messages in this article so much because she talks about "seeking Bloggable Moments" She writes, "there is something special about experiencing something with the intention of blogging about it."...."Reflecting on these moments and blogging about them extracts and captures the very essence of these experiences and in turn, enriches your everyday experience." She is bringing to light that the act of blogging can make us more connected to the the things we do everyday that we might miss out on--perhaps because of the pace we move at or simply life getting in the way. She eloquently put into words what I have experienced from blogging--which started somewhat by accident for me. But, it is true I do feel more connected to the journey I am on. When I am out with my family and I see something beautiful about them--i mentally catalog it and know that at some point later that day or week, I will find some quiet time to write about that moment and see where the meaning behind that moment takes me. Plus, there is the added benefit of being able to go back and re-read some of my past blog entries, it is like a very cool diary.

Anyway, I decided that I wanted to do a little give away in honor of Susan Tuttle's lovely blog post and message--Capturing Bloggable Moments. So, all you need to do is leave a short comment about your favorite Bloggable Moment that you have blogged about. I will be giving away a One Size girls pink/brown half apron in yummy, sugar pink cupcake fabric and a darling little pot holder to match--for special little one in your life. I will mail the apron set to the owner of the comment I pick out of a hat on Sunday evening.
So, leave your best bloggable moment to date in a comment and inspire others to start blogging! And throw your name in a hat for a little apron set.

1 comment:

  1. My favorite bloggable moments happen when the kids decide that they like to do something crafty or sporty and they're really happy about learning something new and being able to do it themselves - this summer we've learned a little knitting and also a little friendship bracelet making with Allen (6) and Katie (4) - Adrianna(2) keeps trying to catch on, but isn't quite there yet - so fun! I don't get as many moments as I'd like to actually blog about these things, but I have lots of pictures to back up my story when I actually get the time!
